September 15, 2008
The week getting ready for the Les Duke Invite at Grinnell was anything but fun. We had a lot of aggravating injuries, nothing bad just little things shin splints, sore hamstrings etc... We were going to hold out some runners and I didn't want to do that very badly. It was going to be a huge meet with nationally and regionally ranked DIII, NAIA's and JC's and I wanted to see what we could do against the best in the Midwest. This was going to be our first meet since getting ranked and the first with the whole team being able to run. Walt had a wisdom tooth pulled on Friday and he was iffy and Ethan, Patrese and Kyle were going to be race day decisions after they warmed up. The whole way to the race it poured and I was worried about that. How were they going to react to less than ideal conditions? Now I am not sure why I was worried. They ran with a determination, a grit and a passion that I have rarely seen in runners. They splashed through standing water, navigated slick hillsides and attacked the uphills it was something that I will not soon forget. Almost on cue with a 1,000 meters left the skies opened up during the men's race and it poured and with the bear on their backs they didn't wilt or falter instead they got faster and finished with a mad fury. In the post race huddle I told them that I had never been as inspired as I was that afternoon by a group of runners. I was so motivated that when we got home I went for a short run if for nothing else than to get to share in the moment. Got a moment check this out http://www.jeffhobbs.org.
The week getting ready for the Les Duke Invite at Grinnell was anything but fun. We had a lot of aggravating injuries, nothing bad just little things shin splints, sore hamstrings etc... We were going to hold out some runners and I didn't want to do that very badly. It was going to be a huge meet with nationally and regionally ranked DIII, NAIA's and JC's and I wanted to see what we could do against the best in the Midwest. This was going to be our first meet since getting ranked and the first with the whole team being able to run. Walt had a wisdom tooth pulled on Friday and he was iffy and Ethan, Patrese and Kyle were going to be race day decisions after they warmed up. The whole way to the race it poured and I was worried about that. How were they going to react to less than ideal conditions? Now I am not sure why I was worried. They ran with a determination, a grit and a passion that I have rarely seen in runners. They splashed through standing water, navigated slick hillsides and attacked the uphills it was something that I will not soon forget. Almost on cue with a 1,000 meters left the skies opened up during the men's race and it poured and with the bear on their backs they didn't wilt or falter instead they got faster and finished with a mad fury. In the post race huddle I told them that I had never been as inspired as I was that afternoon by a group of runners. I was so motivated that when we got home I went for a short run if for nothing else than to get to share in the moment. Got a moment check this out http://www.jeffhobbs.org.
The link is on the Bottom of the page.