Every week the ICCAC comes out with the Athlete of the Week and Scholar of the Week last week we had two runners get their props for some hard work. Walt was awarded Athlete of the Week for finishing 10th at the Les Duke Invite after having a wisdom tooth pulled the day before race. It was a gutsy run. Nick received scholar of the week. He's headed into physical therapy and is carrying a great gpa. The day we announced the awards we were running the golf course on the east side of campus for practice and Mr. Sommers a long time instructor at the college and the person for whom the Athlete of Year Award is named after, pulled up in his golf cart as we were getting ready to head off to weights. I introduced him to the team and the first thing he said was make sure you never miss a class if you do that you are setting yourself up for success. That's what impresses me the most about Southwestern, everyone in the college is working to make sure that every student gets a great education and achieves their goals.