We have the Brissman-Lundeen meet tomorrow in Rock Island, IL. They run a great meet and and there will be a 30 or more teams there. Tonight we have our team meal in the lounge area of Spartan Suites. We do this before every meet. I think whole wheat pasta and garlic bread is on the menu for this evening. The pre-race meal is always a good time everyone pitches in, sets the table and helps cook. Then we'll eat, go over departure times and then I'll highlight some things that I would like to see happen during the race.
After that we'll hand out our goal sheets that everyone will work on tonight so that they can have them for the race on Saturday. Think it, believe it, write it, achieve it, you can't go wrong there. After all that someone will crush me in a game of ping pong. I can't seem to win one this year. Ethan has been smashing me the most so far. If I could get them to play pool I 'd have a fighting chance.
Tomorrow is a big meet and we need everyone to step up because there will be a lot great teams there. It should give us a good measure of where we are at.